Take Control of Your Payments and Curb Fraud
Learn four takeaways from a recent survey on payment fraud and control to better protect your organization.
It is essential to protect your business from fraud, and the tools and techniques being used to commit fraud keep evolving. Be sure you’re ready to stop them.
Positive Pay
Timing is critical in identifying and preventing fraudulent check activity on your accounts. Altered and forged checks create the potential for severe financial loss, as well as threaten the integrity of your accounts payable system. Positive Pay minimizes the possibility of fraud loss or disruption of payments to your vendors, clients or employees by protecting you from fraudulently created or altered checks. It allows you to monitor checks processed for payment against your account and reject unauthorized transactions before losses occur.
ACH Positive Pay
Guard your accounts from fraudulent electronic debits by blocking or flagging any ACH transactions not originated by an authorized vendor. As exceptions occur, you have the ability to either pay or return the item(s).